Progress Virginia is proud to be in coalition with our partners across the Commonwealth.

Climate Equity Working Group

The Climate Equity Working Group (CEWG) is an equity-focused coalition of community groups advancing climate justice statewide in Virginia. Our members are committed to centering folks who have been impacted and harmed by climate change by viewing processes and solutions through a racial, economic, geographic, social, and cultural equity lens. CEWG believes that winning means not only a policy win but also a redistribution of power.

Virginia Civic Engagement Table

The Virginia Civic Engagement Table strengthens and connects Virginia’s progressive nonprofit organizations and activists and acts as a hub for the larger progressive community. We believe our Commonwealth works best when every voice is heard. Our partners work together to advance equality, justice, and opportunity, to win shared policy victories and strive to engage underrepresented communities in the democratic process.

Election Protection

The Virginia Civic Engagement Table’s Election Protection work is built around ensuring all Virginians have equitable access to the ballot and can cast their votes safely and without confusion or intimidation.

We are able to do this important work in coalition with a broad range of community members as well as state and national organizations who share the value that all voters must have an equal opportunity to participate in our democracy.

Fund Our Schools

Fund Our Schools is a statewide coalition of parents, students, teachers, and organizations who believe that every child in every zip code across the Commonwealth of Virginia should have access to a high-quality public education. The campaign officially launched in December 2019, and our advocates quickly began mobilizing and organizing across the state at budget hearings and throughout the General Assembly legislative session. 

Revenue Coalition

The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis (TCI) advances racial and economic justice in Virginia by advocating for public policies that are designed in partnership with people most impacted, and shaped by credible, accessible fiscal and policy research.

Pretrial Justice Coalition

The Virginia Pretrial Justice Coalition aims to reduce pretrial detention in Virginia. As part of the nationwide movement to eliminate mass incarceration, we pursue strategies that make sense within Virginia’s current legal landscape. The Coalition is guided by two primary principles: we must (1) reduce the number of people held in our jails pretrial; and (2) eliminate racial disparities in pretrial detention and pretrial surveillance.

Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights

The Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights (VACIR) is a multi-racial and multi-ethnic coalition of organizations that exists to win dignity, power and quality of life for all immigrant and refugee communities.

Virginia Reproductive Equity Alliance

The Virginia Reproductive Equity Alliance seeks to further integrate reproductive justice into the culture, mission and vision of how our work will be informed, the reproductive justice framework will serve as a beacon towards progress. VREA will strive to implement a full multi-pronged approach to serving the reproductive health, rights and justice movements by incorporating grassroots advocacy, community education and legislative tactics. We acknowledge the harm that has historically and continues to take place in black and brown communities of color. This harm continues to impact those communities and the lives of people from varying backgrounds and identities. We welcome and value collaboration, partnerships, support and leadership of all backgrounds and identities, centering trans and gender nonconforming people, youth, girls, femmes and cis women, Black folks, indigenous people of color, queer, disabled, poor and working class, and other people who hold identities that currently and historically have been oppressed. We are dedicated to disrupting inequities and racism in all the ways that it shows up and infiltrates, systemically, institutionally, internally, and interpersonally.

Virginia Election Sabotage Response Network

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