Today marks the one-year anniversary of an attempt by U.S. House Republicans, including those representing Virginians, to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The ACA’s benefits are substantive, extensive and more than impressive.
A few of the ACA benefits by the numbers…
- 45,000 Americans with pre-existing conditions have health insurance
- 2.5 million of America’s young adults now have health insurance
- 2.65 million American seniors have saved $1.5 billion on prescription drugs
- 15 million Americans saved from getting dropped by their health insurer because they got sick
- 34.8 million Americans know why their insurance provider raised their premium rates
- 41 million Americans have preventative care coverage at no expense to them
- 75 million Americans better understand where their insurance providers spend their premium dollars
- 102 million Americans have health care coverage without a lifetime “cap”
- $350 million to fight fraud and prevent abuse throughout America’s health care system
- $100 billion in deficit reduction and $50 billion in Medicare savings over 10 years.
With millions of Americans helped and billions of dollars to be saved, health care reform of 2010 was right for America then, now, and for its future.