
Campus Police Are Arresting Your Children

by shay bell On Monday, April 29th, students of VCU, as well as others, gathered on campus in a peaceful demonstration of solidarity with the Palestinians suffering a horrific genocide in Gaza. The gathering was a nonviolent communion of students and community members across Richmond. That was until, of course, the cops came.  VCU police […]


Spare Us the Secret Police–The Public Ones Are Plenty Unaccountable

So, Chesterfield has their very own Secret Police–or at least police that are secret.  The department recently moved to redact 500 names from its roster in what is little more than a thinly veiled attempt to skirt any accountability for their actions. That they did this in response to OpenOversight VA’s request for a full […]


And in April, We Sparked

by shay bell It’s my favorite time of year. Spring is upon us, the sun is shining, birds are chirping, the smell of jasmine lingers in the air. And what’s that other smell wafting through my nostrils? Earthy, musky, and sent from above, it’s the smell I’ve come to associate with peace, marijuana.  Virginians far […]


The War on Drugs isn’t Real

by Kierra Johnson If there was ever any proof that the war on drugs is not about drugs, it’s the latest numbers of marijuana arrests in Virginia. A Washington Post analysis revealed that even though marijuana has been legalized in the state, the majority of the people who are arrested for drug related charges are […]


Is Law Enforcement Using Technology to Invade Your Privacy?

What is Facial Recognition & How is it used? According to the Center for Strategic & International Studies, facial recognition is a way of using software to determine the similarity between two face images in order to evaluate a claim.  To date, the technology is used for many different purposes. Our most common use for […]


Fed Up With What the GOP is Serving

I hope y’all are hungry because Virginia’s GOP is serving up a buffet of ridiculousness. We knew this session would be different – and difficult – without a trusted Democratic trifecta to lead the Commonwealth. So when it comes to the nonsense some GOP legislators are trying to push through the General Assembly, you can color us shocked, but NOT surprised. 


10 Things I Hate About Glenn Youngkin

There are a lot of things I hate about Glenn Youngkin. Like…a lot. Narrowing it down to ten was tough. But here we got, a fast and dirty list of ten things I hate about Glenn Youngkin and why. But just in case you were wondering, no, I’m not going to actually fall in love with him at the end. Gross.