$15 Minimum Wage Clears First Hurdle To Becoming Law 

Richmond, Virginia—Activists and working families are celebrating today as SB1, sponsored by Senator Louise Lucas, passed today in a Senate Committee. The bill would increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour starting in 2026. The next step is for SB1 to go Senate Finance Committee for a vote before being voted on by the full Senate. While we are thrilled that the bill has cleared this first hurdle toward becoming law, we are watching with anticipation to see what Governor Youngkin will do when if the bill makes it to his desk. 

“No one should have to choose between putting food on the dinner table and keeping the lights on, but until the minimum wage is increased to at least $15 an hour, that’s what many families in our community are struggling with,” LaTwyla Mathias, Executive Director of Progress Virginia, said. “It is exciting that SB1 has passed today, but we will continue to put pressure on our legislators and, in particular, Governor Youngkin to ensure this bill becomes law. Working families deserve a raise, and we won’t stop fighting until we make that a reality.”


SB1 will increase the minimum wage to $13.50 an hour on January 1, 2025 and $15.00 an hour on January 1, 2026. 

The minimum wage is currently $12.00 an hour.

If the minimum wage kept up with productivity, the wage would be $21.50 per hour