Progress Virginia is an equal opportunity employer. Women, people of color, persons with disabilities, veterans, and LGBTQI+ candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. About Progress Virginia: At Progress Virginia and Progress Virginia Education Fund, we drive powerful, values-based narratives to uplift and amplify grassroots voices through innovative digital communications and earned media strategies. We build […]
Obstructionist Declares Candidacy for Governor
Kirk Cox aiming to bring his “No” agenda to the Governor’s Mansion After years of obstructing Virginians’ priorities in the General Assembly, Delegate Kirk Cox has set his eyes on higher office. Progress Virginia executive director Anna Scholl released the following statement responding to Cox’s campaign announcement: “Every time Virginians have asked for solutions, Kirk […]
Progress Virginia Applauds New Voting Law
Progress Virginia today celebrated the passage and signing of HB5103, which expands voters’ options to participate in this fall’s election amidst a deadly pandemic. The legislation allows localities to establish secure drop boxes for voters to return their absentee ballots while social distancing, eliminates the witness requirement for voting absentee in this general election, provides […]
Virginia Senate Scuttles Bill To Provide Civil Immunity to Corporations that Fail to Protect Workers & Customers
Earlier Wednesday, the Virginia state Senate struck SB5067 from the floor calendar, removing the bill from legislative consideration. The action is a win for working families and their advocates, who have fiercely opposed proposals to shield businesses from liability if they fail to protect their employees or customers from contracting COVID-19. Earlier this year, the […]
Freedom to Vote in Virginia, No Excuse Required
Tuesdays, amiright? Alarms, commute, school drop off, school pick up, dinner, bath time, bed time. And it’s not even the middle of the week. Add to that list getting out of the house or leaving work a little early to get to your polling location to vote? Look, voting is IMPORTANT and our civic duty […]
Celebrate Election Day in Virginia!
Holidays mark celebrations of people and occasions we deem important as a community. Labor Day, Veterans Day, New Year’s Day, Juneteenth. But you know what day is incredibly important to all of us but isn’t a holiday? Election Day. That is, until now! A new law going into effect July 1 makes Election Day––the first […]
Republicans’ Irresponsible Disregard for Public Health Threatens Lives
Richmond, Virginia — In the wake of the biggest one-day spike in Virginia deaths due to COVID-19 so far during this pandemic, Virginia Republicans have rushed to demand Governor Northam allow businesses to reopen and return to business as usual. These demands ignore not only the advice of public health professionals but also the wealth […]
Black Girl Magic Has Yet To Save Our Lives
As a reproductive rights advocate, I talk a lot about access to contraception and abortion. If you’ve been on Facebook or watched the news lately, then you know at every turn, someone is looking to take away our constitutional right to make decisions about our own bodies and whether, how, and when to start a […]
Virginia’s 10-Year Wait Period for Medicaid Eligibility is Unjust
Imagine being at work and feeling a sharp pain in your chest. Imagine not being able to go to the hospital because you’ve only been working in the United States for seven years. What do you do next? Ignore a possible serious health issue or be forced to pay thousands of dollars in medical bills? […]
In Virginia’s Redistricting Process, The “What” Is Just As Important As The “Who.”
Voting is kind of my thing. Election Day is my favorite day of the year. I love the action. I love what all of us together raising our voices symbolizes. It’s a moment where we’re all equal. Or at least, it should be. But when political district lines are rigged to ensure a predetermined outcome […]