
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly in Virginia’s New Budget 

by Ashleigh Crocker On Friday, June 17, legislators came back to Richmond to debate Governor Glenn Youngkin’s amendments to the state budget. With the threat of a government shut down if they weren’t able to agree and pass something by July 1, legislators got down to business. Here’s the good, the bad, and the ugly […]


5 (More) Things I Hate About Glenn Youngkin

You might have seen during election season that I really hate Glenn Youngkin. Unfortunately, unfathomably, he still won. And now…he’s our Governor.  Let’s just say that voters are having some regrets after 3 months of having him as Governor. So here’s 5 more things we can hate about Glenn Youngkin, governing edition.  He’s a petty […]


6 Things I Hate About Delegate Nick Freitas

Going through the bills that were filed this session, I noticed a disturbing pattern: many of the worst bills were all sponsored by the same guy. Who, you might ask? None other than Delegate Nick Freitas.


In First Test, Senate Democrats Protect Our Progress, Reject Bill to Cap Minimum Wage

In the first major test of this legislative session, Democratic members of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee voted to protect our progress and rejected SB173, a bill sponsored by Senator Mark Peake that would cap the minimum wage at $11 an hour and prevent it from rising to the $15 an hour promised by previously passed legislation.