
A Parent’s Nightmare

The following is a guest blog by Lori Haas. It was a beautiful spring morning ten years ago when I got the phone call from my daughter, Emily. “Hi Mom, I’ve been shot,” she said. I immediately dropped what I had been doing and raced towards Blacksburg with my husband, breaking every traffic law as […]


Corey Stewart: Riding on the Coattails of Trump’s Attacks on Immigrants

A recent event in Richmond looked like a Trump rally with people wildly cheering on the political candidate as he hammered away on immigration. “This issue of illegal immigration is not a racial issue, it’s about public safety,” said Corey Stewart, a Virginia gubernatorial hopeful. “If someone is in our country illegally, and they commit […]


Anti-Immigrant Madness in the General Assembly

The United States is a nation of immigrants. Yet with every new wave of immigration, the settled population becomes fearful and denies human dignity to the new arrivals. In the tradition of the Know-Nothing Party and the 1920’s Red Scare, today’s authoritarian right again deflects the blame from the system of wealth to poor, hard-working […]


In Virginia General Assembly, Attacks on Commonwealth’s Working People

We aren’t halfway through the General Assembly session and Virginia’s legislature take aim at the wages and well-being of Virginia’s working people. Earlier in the session, the House General Laws Committee voted to report both Delegate Webert’s HB1596 and Delegate Davis’ HB1753. If the House decides to pass Webert’s bill, state agencies would not be […]


Virginia General Assembly

Still working on transparency.

The Virginia General Assembly is not designed with transparency in mind.  This is arguably most evident in the House Courts of Justice Criminal Law Subcommittee, where long dockets are heard by a committee of eleven delegates, eight republicans (Albo-42, Bell-58, Cline-24, Gilbert-15, Miller-50, Morris-64, Adams-16, Collins-29) and three democrats (Herring-46, Mullin-93, Watts-39). The final Criminal […]


The Future of the Democratic Party and Progressivism

The Democratic Party is retreating into the political wilderness for the first time in a century.

The Legislative Fellows program supports Progress Virginia’s efforts to make a more transparent and fair Virginia. All views expressed in this post are the author’s views and do not reflect the views and opinions of Progress Virginia or Progress Virginia Education Fund. If you would like to watch live streaming of key committee meetings please […]


Eyes on Richmond

Transparency period. [ms_button style=”normal” link=”” size=”medium” shape=”rounded” shadow=”yes” block=”no” target=”_blank” gradient=”no” color=”#fcbb3b” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]Watch Live[/ms_button]


The Culture of Abortion

How Jane the Virgin tackles generational views on abortion

As a woman, I am always concerned when my reproductive rights are in danger of being taken. As a Latina, I find myself twice as frustrated. Because not only am I fighting the government but my heritage as well. It’s a complicated thing. As a Latina, millennial, liberal woman I view the world much differently […]


Our Mission

We’re your voice for progress. Because your values and your story matters. [ms_button style=”normal” link=”″ size=”medium” shape=”rounded” shadow=”yes” block=”no” target=”_self” gradient=”no” color=”#f1615c” text_color=”#f5ebc9″ icon=”” icon_animation_type=”” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]See what we’re about.[/ms_button]


Eyes On Richmond

Transparent Politics. Period. Bringing lawmakers out of the shadows. [ms_button style=”normal” link=”” size=”medium” shape=”rounded” shadow=”yes” block=”no” target=”_blank” gradient=”no” color=”#f2a86b” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]Watch Live[/ms_button]