
Governor Youngkin’s Confusing Vetoes

By Kierra Johnson On April 5th, just before the weekend, Governor Glenn Youngkin vetoed 11 bills after signing 88 others. His vetoes included several abortion bills. One of them was HB1539, which would have protected abortion providers from being extradited to other states for prosecution for simply doing their jobs.. HB519 would have protected doctors […]


I Went to SCOTUS And All I Got Was Really F***ing Angry

By Kimberly R. Nario On Tuesday, March 26, I attended a rally on the steps of SCOTUS in support of reproductive freedom. That morning, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine et al v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration et all. Three key things to know about this case: This case […]


Your Governor Doesn’t Give a Single Sh*t About You 

by shay bell  You read that right, Governor Glenn Youngkin doesn’t give a single sh*t about you, me, or anyone else in the Commonwealth, and I have the proof. Last week, we announced that several bills had passed both chambers and made their way to the Governor’s desk. While we knew that Youngkin–in the spirit […]


MY thoughts, you ask? 

by shay bell  You all – no one – have been begging me for my thoughts on session so far, so who am I to deprave you any longer? I’ve had to suffer through some things this month that have made me regret my career path, and I’m ready to vent it all out. I’ve […]


When Did Glenn Youngkin Last Buy His Own Groceries? 

Here’s something that will no doubt shock you: Glenn Youngkin hasn’t met very many people who make minimum wage. In fact, he thinks minimum wage workers barely exist: he told the reporters that he believed employers pay the minimum wage only in “very rare circumstances”and that he thought a minimum wage hike wasn’t necessary. After […]


On Your Radar

by shay bell  The year is 2024, and we’re still fighting to balance the scales for everyone. Conservatives are putting up roadblocks at every turn, and I couldn’t roll my eyes harder if I tried. High on our radar here at Progress Virginia are some long overdue bills for passage. First up, SJ11, because why […]


Housing Justice for Tenants 

By Kierra Johnson  Renters’ crises, infrastructure issues, and displacement due to rising costs and gentrification were major issues across the U.S. before the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, we are still in a crisis and it seems that the losses that landlords took during the first year of the pandemic have compounded and come down on tenants […]


One Step Closer Cannabis Decriminalization

By: Kierra Johnson As per usual, Virginia is the blueprint for progressive legislation in the South, and the issue of cannabis is a great example. This year, there are a couple of bills that tackle the issue of cannabis usage and criminalization, and if passed, they could bring Virginia one step closer to full legalization.  […]


Rest is Radical

by shay bell  This holiday season, I will rest. It’s been a long, ROUGH year, and I don’t know about you all, but I BARELY made it out by the skin of my teeth. With everything happening in our Commonwealth, and in the WORLD, it’s hard to close my eyes at night and feel safe. […]