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5 Things Less Popular Than Social Distancing

I don’t know about you, but I am slightly terrified about all of these calls to re-open the economy when it clearly isn’t safe yet. “Re-open the economy” seems like code for making people sick so that wealthy corporations can make money off the working class AGAIN. But while the calls to open things back […]


You Want Us to Vote Now?

For reasons I cannot begin to fathom, the Virginia Senate decided to block efforts to move upcoming local May elections to a time in the future when it might actually be safe to vote in person. via GIPHY I worry about the danger this poses to communities throughout the state, including my own. Officials are […]


Progress Virginia Stands With Virginia Legislative Black Caucus and Urges Delay of Reopening

Richmond, Virginia—Progress Virginia stands with the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus in urging Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to delay Phase One of his “Forward Virginia” plan to reopen Virginia businesses in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Data from the Virginia Department of Health shows ongoing serious outbreaks, some clustered in communities of color. Reopening too […]


Polls Show Social Distancing Is More Popular Than Pet Ownership, Beyonce, and the NFL

 A new Navigator Research poll tracking public opinion around COVID-19 released numbers today showing that social distancing measures like avoiding public events and gatherings, skipping dinner out a restaurant or drinks at a bar, and spending most of the time inside the home are more popular than some of America’s favorite things, including pet ownership, the NFL, […]


Now Is the Worst Possible Time to Reopen America

Guys I’m going stir crazy. I know this quarantine business is hard, but social distancing is working. Ever since states have put stay at home orders into place, we’ve started to see a positive shift in new cases of COVID-19. It’s tough to be cooped up but if it’s a matter of my safety, I’ll […]


What Comes Next? It’s Up to Us

I feel like every day I read a new article that questions what will happen when the pandemic is over and how maybe this pandemic will help create a more equal society. But I know diseases don’t create more equal societies: activists do.  via GIPHY The pandemic is creating a period of uncertainty and upheaval, […]


ICYMI: Poll Finds Strong Opposition to Re-Opening Businesses in the Midst of Coronavirus

A new Washington Post-University of Maryland poll has found that despite protests across the country, most people strongly oppose the move to re-open some businesses during the coronavirus pandemic. Even if businesses are allowed to re-open, most people are wary of eating out at restaurants (74%), shopping in retail stores (69%), and going to the movies (82%). […]


ICYMI: Coronavirus Backlash Coming From Republican Lawmakers Inspired By Trump

Though the protests across the nation demanding that we reopen businesses and head back to work despite the ongoing threat from coronavirus are framed as a grassroots movement, it seems more and more clear that they are being coordinated nationally by Republican political operatives.  The message of these protests is not only dangerous for our […]


A Full-Time Working Mom’s Day During Pandemic

A Full Time Working Mom’s Day During Pandemic 6:27am My two year old, E, wakes up by saying “Mommy, mommy, daddy, mommy, daddy!” until I get out of bed (after sleeping just three hours because hello anxiety) and go into her room. I get her diaper changed without bothering to change her into real clothes. […]