Richmond, Virginia — In the wake of the biggest one-day spike in Virginia deaths due to COVID-19 so far during this pandemic, Virginia Republicans have rushed to demand Governor Northam allow businesses to reopen and return to business as usual. These demands ignore not only the advice of public health professionals but also the wealth […]
Virginia Will Become Safe Haven For Abortion Access as Reproductive Health Protection Act Becomes Law
Richmond, Virginia—Today, Governor Ralph Northam signed the Reproductive Health Protection Act into law. At a time when the country is facing an unprecedented public health crisis, and people continue to need access to essential reproductive healthcare, some anti-choice politicians in other states are attempting to delay or ban access to abortion by shutting down clinics. […]
ICYMI: Workers on Frontlines of Pandemic Response Urge Governor Northam to Sign Minimum Wage Increase
Grocery store workers are urging that Governor Northam sign HB395 to increase the minimum wage without any amendments that will water it down. When people who work in grocery stores and home health care are considered essential personnel, they deserve to be paid at least $15 an hour, and passing HB395 is the first step […]
Virginia Workers Deserve a Raise for Keeping Us Alive
I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure how I would be getting through the COVID-19 lockdown if the workers at my grocery store weren’t at the top of their game right now. As I try to map out how to shop so I can minimize the number of times I leave the house, […]
Grocery Store Workers and Advocates Urge Governor Northam to Sign Bill to Increase to Minimum Wage
Workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic joined a video call this afternoon to urge Governor Northam to sign HB395, an increase to the minimum wage, into law. When people who work in grocery stores and home health care are considered essential personnel, they deserve to be paid at least $15 an hour, and […]
A Lot of Great Virginians Weren’t Traitors—Let’s Build Statues of Them
After passing a bill allowing localities to remove Confederate monuments, the General Assembly voted to create a commission to consider removing the statue of Robert E. Lee from the U.S. Capitol. Every state has a statue representing it in the U.S. Capitol—it’s time for Virginia’s statue to represent someone of whom we can all be […]
COVID-19 Virginia Community Resources
COVID-19 is rapidly changing the world. Adapting is difficult, but we will get through this by working together and supporting one another. These resources will enable you to help and support your community in this unprecedented era of quarantines and social distancing.
Progress is Good for Business
Since my partner decided to come out as transgender almost two years ago, we’ve had more conversations about how that decision would affect our careers, shared earning potential, and living options than we did about how it would affect our personal and emotional lives. via GIPHY My partner and I are in our late twenties […]
Just the Facts on the Families First Act
You may have heard that the Families First Act, the bill passed by the federal government to help families who are in crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic, includes paid sick leave. But what does that mean? Who can get it? When does it start? We’re here to help answer your questions! via GIPHY What […]
Our Greatest Ally in Fair Redistricting: The Census
Our census form arrived about five days ago, right at the start of our intense social distancing. As millennials, my partner and I have never actually filled out a census form ourselves before, and, since we’re big politics nerds, we were weirdly excited about it. via GIPHY One reason the census is such a big […]