
Virginia House Passes Student Loan Borrowers’ Bill of Rights

The Virginia House of Delegates today passed HB10, the Student Loan Borrowers’ Bill of Rights, after student loan borrowers this morning held a press conference in support of the bill.  Sponsored by Delegate Marcus Simon (D-Falls Church) and Delegate Marcia Price (D-Newport News), HB10 would add student loan servicers like Navient to the list of […]


Virginia Needs Paid Family and Medical Leave

When my daughter was born, I was lucky enough to be able to spend 13 weeks at home with her. Adjusting to life with a newborn is no joke. Not only was I recovering from birth, but I was also trying to figure out how to feed a baby with my body, how to survive […]


We All Need the Reproductive Health Equity Act

Living in Virginia as a Black, Queer woman has forced me to fight for reproductive freedom. And working in reproductive rights has made it clear just how easy it has been for anti-reproductive health politicians to stand in my way. I want what we all do: the ability to live in a community where every […]


“It’s Like I’m in Quicksand.”

Alex’s student loan debt is crushing her. As a Newport News resident, who works two jobs and puts in over 60 hours a week in order to make her $1,300 monthly student loan payments, she is struggling to keep up the payments. “It’s like I’m in quicksand,” she said. “I can’t take out any other […]


Virginia Needs Non-Discrimination Laws Now

How would you feel if you had to lie every time your co-workers asked you how your weekend was to keep your significant other a secret? What would it be like if you were coming home with your partner but looking over your shoulder the whole time making sure no one sees you?  That’s the […]


We Need To Protect Our Access To Reproductive Health Care In Virginia

If you’ve been plugged into any media outlet over the past several years, then you know access to abortion care is under attack all across the country, and Virginia is no exception. Since 2011, anti-abortion politicians in Virginia have introduced over 170 anti-abortion bills and regulations. These bills were designed to shame and stigmatize people […]


Get Behind the Wheel with Driver’s Licenses for All

We all love our cars and the privileges that come with them. They are part of our everyday lives–they help us get to our jobs, run errands, ferry our kids around, and buy groceries. Driving is essential to being a productive member of a family and community.  Imagine if you couldn’t drive and couldn’t contribute […]


Virginia Workers Can’t Survive off $7.25!

As the results on Election Night were coming in, I was thinking about all of the possibilities with a legislature that is controlled by Democrats. I couldn’t stop thinking about one thing. We can finally, FINALLY, raise the minimum wage to $15. via GIPHY The minimum wage hasn’t been raised since 2009, and people are […]


Hero & Zero January 24

Heroes: Raise the Wage Activists On Tuesday, hundreds of workers from across the Commonwealth braved freezing temperatures and icy conditions to make their voices heard on raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour in Virginia. Currently, Virginia ranks as the worst state in the country on workers’ rights; raising the minimum wage would be […]


Hero & Zero January 17

Heroes: Women’s Lobby Day Superstars This Monday, nearly one hundred people joined the Women’s Equality Coalition at the Capitol for Women’s Lobby Day to hold our newly elected progressive majority accountable by ensuring that legislators continue to support reproductive rights and paid family and medical leave, end sham restrictions on abortion, and prevent Black maternal […]