Welcome to Progress Virginia’s Hero or Zero, a weekly, unapologetically progressive take on this week’s heroes and zeros in Virginia politics. Check out this space every Friday, and Tweet us or post to our Facebook to nominate your own heroes and zeros.
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HERO: Senator Rosalyn Dance is our Hero

This week, Senator Rosalyn Dance’s bill to increase the minimum wage has been reported out of committee and will now go to the senate floor for a vote. Her bill would bring a $15 minimum wage to Virginia by 2021.
ZERO: Senator Amanda Chase

This week, Senator Chase sported a new fashion accessory while presenting bills to the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee. During her presentation, a holstered .38-caliber revolver was clearly visible on the side of her bright purple jacket. Senator Chase has stated that she sported the weapon out in the open because, “sometimes it’s a deterrent for over-exuberant folks.” Yuck.