Welcome to Progress Virginia’s Hero or Zero, a weekly, unapologetically progressive take on this week’s heroes and zeros in Virginia politics. Check out this space every Friday, and Tweet us or post to our Facebook to nominate your own heroes and zeros.
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HERO: Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax is our Hero

This week, Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax wanted to thwart a decades old tradition of honoring confederates Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. He brought in descendants from Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee into the chamber who who have been vocal in denouncing the legacies of their slave-holding ancestors. Miraculously, no senator stepped forward in the presence of these two guest to honor the deceased confederates. Bravo Lt. Gov. Fairfax!
ZERO: Senator Tommy Norment

Senator Tommy Norment revealed his game-playing this week when he flip flopped his vote on the floor to oppose a $15 minimum wage after voting to support it in committee. His flip flop was meant to be a warning to the Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce after backing Senator Boysko during her recent special election, with reckless disregard for the lives of low-wage workers in Virginia.