Heroes: Women’s Lobby Day Superstars
This Monday, nearly one hundred people joined the Women’s Equality Coalition at the Capitol for Women’s Lobby Day to hold our newly elected progressive majority accountable by ensuring that legislators continue to support reproductive rights and paid family and medical leave, end sham restrictions on abortion, and prevent Black maternal mortality during the 2020 General Assembly session!
It was clear that these activist superstars were not afraid to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work necessary to fight for equality and reproductive rights, with many busing in from as far as Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads for a crash course in lobbying. They immediately put their skills to good use while visiting their legislators to talk about the issues that matter to them.
Activists from Women’s Lobby Day meet with Delegate Lamont Bagby.
So, a big shout-out to all of the incredible people who came out to our 2020 Women’s Lobby Day and made their voices heard at the General Assembly on behalf of people all over the Commonwealth!
Zeroes: Hate Groups, Neo-Nazis, and Out-of-State Gun Enthusiasts
Governor Ralph Northam was forced to declare a state of emergency ahead of the January 20 gun lobby day rally in response to threats circulating on the Internet coming from hate groups, militias, and out-of-state gun enthusiasts. While it is outrageous enough for them to attempt to cow voters who sent legislators to the Capitol with a mandate to prevent gun violence, it is utterly repugnant for them to overtly threaten the legislature and General Assembly with violence.
They no longer merely disagree with the majority of Virginia voters––by threatening the governing body of Virginia, they are sending a clear message that they are willing to disregard the democratic process and replace it with violence and intimidation in pursuit of their own agenda.
Thanks to our efforts at the ballot box, we have a state legislature that wants to take action by pursuing common-sense measures that will save lives. Now is the time to finish what we started with gun violence prevention, and make sure our new majority builds a safer future for all Virginians!