
Avantae’s Story

Shining the Light: Accessing Abortion in Virginia Watch Avantae’s Story: “Women can be mothers and career people, they can have big dreams, and some women can decide – I don’t want to have kids right now – or ever.” Avantae

Press Release

House Republicans Advance Anti-Abortion Legislation: House vote expected tomorrow.

Both bills received their second reading today and will be voted on in the House tomorrow Richmond, Va. – This evening, the Virginia House of Delegates heard their second readings of HB212 (Greenhalgh) and HB304 (Freitas). These bills would infringe upon the relationship between patients and their providers and fan the flames of anti-abortion rhetoric and misinformation. The House […]

Press Release

As Anti-Abortion Advocates Descend Upon Richmond, Majority of Virginians Still Support Full Abortion Access

Richmond, Virginia—While anti-family extremists descend upon Richmond for their anti-abortion rally, 79% of people in Virginia support full access to abortion and they do not want politicians interfering in their personal healthcare decisions. Before the legislative session, Speaker of the House Todd Gilbert said that he and his caucus did not run on limiting access to abortion and it […]

Press Release

URGENT: Texas Abortion Ban & How It Impacts Virginia

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6 Things I Hate About Delegate Nick Freitas

Going through the bills that were filed this session, I noticed a disturbing pattern: many of the worst bills were all sponsored by the same guy. Who, you might ask? None other than Delegate Nick Freitas.


Fed Up With What the GOP is Serving

I hope y’all are hungry because Virginia’s GOP is serving up a buffet of ridiculousness. We knew this session would be different – and difficult – without a trusted Democratic trifecta to lead the Commonwealth. So when it comes to the nonsense some GOP legislators are trying to push through the General Assembly, you can color us shocked, but NOT surprised. 


10 Things I Hate About Glenn Youngkin

There are a lot of things I hate about Glenn Youngkin. Like…a lot. Narrowing it down to ten was tough. But here we got, a fast and dirty list of ten things I hate about Glenn Youngkin and why. But just in case you were wondering, no, I’m not going to actually fall in love with him at the end. Gross.