Press Release

Trans Kids Safe From Republican Attacks For Now 

Richmond, Virginia—Trans kids and their families are breathing a sigh of relief today after members of a Senate Education and Health subcommittee voted down bills that discriminate against trans kids. SB37, sponsored by Senator John McGuire, would force teachers and guidance counselors to out students to their parents, potentially creating an unsafe home environment for […]

Press Release

Senate Passes Shield Bills To Protect Patients Seeking Access to Health Care

Richmond, Virginia—Despite Glenn Youngkin’s best efforts, Virginia remains a safe haven in the South for people seeking abortion care. As states across the country ramp up their efforts to criminalize patients for exercising reproductive choice, Virginia has been a sanctuary for people escaping draconian laws passed in their own states. Today, the Senate passed two […]

Press Release

In a Historic Vote, House of Delegates Passes Paid Family and Medical Leave 

Richmond, Virginia—In a massive victory for working families in our community, the House of Delegates has passed a historic bill to extend eight weeks of paid family and medical leave to private sector employees across the Commonwealth. SB 373, sponsored by Senator Jennifer Boysko, passed the House on a vote of 50-46 and will now […]

Press Release

$15 Minimum Wage Clears First Hurdle To Becoming Law 

Richmond, Virginia—Activists and working families are celebrating today as SB1, sponsored by Senator Louise Lucas, passed today in a Senate Committee. The bill would increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour starting in 2026. The next step is for SB1 to go Senate Finance Committee for a vote before being voted on by the […]

Press Release

Historic Minimum Wage Increase Passes General Assembly, Moves to the Governor’s Desk

Richmond, Virginia—In a victory for working families, SB1, sponsored by Senator Louise Lucas, passed the House of Delegates today The bill increases the minimum wage to $13.50 this year, and $15 an hour starting in 2026. SB1 will now move to Governor Glenn Youngkin’s desk for a signature. Youngkin, who travels between the Governor’s Mansion […]

Press Release

Commonsense Gun Violention Prevention Bills Pass Senate 

Richmond, Virginia—Several common-sense gun violence prevention bills passed the State Senate today. With gun violence being the top cause of death in people aged 1-17, this is welcome news.  “We’re thrilled that Senators have voted to pass these common-sense gun violence prevention bills. These bills will save lives and make our communities safer,” LaTwyla Mathias, […]

Press Release

Commonsense Gun Safety Bills Pass the House

Richmond, Virginia—Several bills to prevent gun violence have passed the House of Delegates today and will now head to the Governor’s desk to be signed into law. Gun violence fatalities have been on the rise in Virginia, and gun fatalities are now the leading cause of death in people aged 1-17. By passing these commonsense […]

Press Release

House and Senate Pass Assault Weapons Ban

Richmond, Virginia—Families who have lost loved ones to gun violence celebrated today as the House passed a historic ban on assault weapons. SB 2, sponsored by Senator Creigh Deeds, narrowly passed the House today on a vote of 51-49. The House cognate, HB 2, sponsored by Delegate Dan Helmer passed the Senate today by a […]

Press Release

Historic $15 Minimum Wage Increase Will Include Farmworkers For The First Time

Richmond, Virginia—Today, we moved closer to pay equity and racial justice when the Virginia Senate voted to remove the exemptions that excluded farmworkers from earning the minimum wage. HB157, sponsored by Delegate Adele McClure, narrowly passed the Senate by a vote of 20-19 and will move to the Governor’s desk for a signature. The exemption […]

Press Release

Crossover Day: Status of the Progressive Agenda

Richmond, Virginia—February 13 is Crossover Day in the General Assembly. Here’s a recap of the status of several crucial bills, broken down by issue area and current posture. “Our community has been very clear: we demand a safer, more progressive Commonwealth where everyone’s rights are protected, and working families have what they need to grow […]