Democrats Deliver with Deal To Invest in Affordable Care and Expand Child Tax Credit

Democrats In Virginia Will Do The Same If Re-Elected

Washington, DC—Democrats in Washington reached a deal on President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, an unprecedented investment in affordable caregiving, a tax break for middle class  families, and the largest effort to combat climate change in history. This is further proof that when we elect Democrats, families in our community benefit. When Democrats took control of the Virginia House of Delegates, they also delivered change for hardworking families in our community by increasing the minimum wage, expanding access to affordable health care, eliminating barriers to abortion access, and much more. 

“People in our community know that if you want to get something done, you need to elect Democrats. Coming to a deal on the Build Back Better Agenda is just the latest example of how Democrats deliver for hardworking families,” Ashleigh Crocker, Communications Director at Progress Virginia, said. “When we elect Terry McAuliffe, Hala Ayala, Mark Herring, and democrats to the House of Delegates next week, we know that we will be electing legislators who will pass paid family and medical leave, increase teacher salaries, and ensure that we are on the road to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Democrats get it done for Virginia families.” 


When Democrats took control of the House of Delegates in 2019, giving them a trifecta, they:

  • Increased the minimum wage
  • Legalized the possession of marijuana 
  • Eliminated barriers to abortion access 
  • Passed common sense gun violence prevention measures
  • Increased teacher pay

The Build Back Better package includes:

  • Affordable care
    • Two years of free preschool for more than six million children
    • Affordable child care so that no middle-income families pay more than 7% of their income
    • Affordable, high-quality care for older Americans and people with disabilities in their homes, while supporting the workers who provide this care
  • Climate change
    • Investments to meet our goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions between 50 and 52 percent below 2005 levels by the year 2030
  • Affordable health care 
    • reducing premiums for more than 9 million Americans 
    • health care coverage to up to 4 million uninsured people in states that have locked them out of Medicaid
  • Tax cuts for middle class families
    • extending the expanded Child Tax Credit 
    • cutting taxes for 17 million low-wage workers by extending the expanded Earned Income Tax Credit