Donna Cywinski is our Hero

Hero or Zero?
March 2nd

Welcome to Progress Virginia’s Hero or Zero, a weekly, unapologetically progressive take on this week’s heroes and zeros in Virginia politics. Check out this space every Friday, and Tweet us or post to our Facebook to nominate your own heroes and zeros.

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HERO: Donna Cywinski and everyone who rallied for Medicaid

On a rainy Thursday morning, Donna Cywinski and hundreds of other residents who travelled to Richmond to demand that lawmakers expand Medicaid once and for all. “I’m asking for Medicaid expansion, not as a Republican or a Democrat, but as a mother with a son who needs health care,” Cywinski said. “Medicaid expansion is a people issue. It is a family issue. It is an empathy issue. So we’re asking our legislators to pass Medicaid expansion now.” Watch her story here.


ZERO: 5 Justices on the Supreme Court

So now it’s okay to keep people in jail, indefinitely, if they are immigrants (including permanent residents). That’s the law of the land thanks to the 5 justices on the Supreme Court who ruled this week that those facing deportation (including permanent residents) can be held in jail and are NOT ENTITLED to a bond hearing even after months, or YEARS of detention. Kind of like Guantanamo Bay.