Glenn Youngkin Finally Releases Policy Positions, Confirms He Isn’t Qualified to be Governor

Republican candidate for Governor, Glenn Youngkin, finally announced some of his policy positions on Monday. Youngkin has officially revealed what we knew all along—he has no idea what he is doing and is unqualified to be Governor. Youngkin has no political experience and has turned buzzwords into policy that would decimate Virginia’s economy and leave hard working families out in the cold. 

“It’s clear now why Glenn Youngkin has been hiding his positions on the issues. His ideas are so bad that it’s better not to know what they are,” Ashleigh Crocker, Communications Director at Progress Virginia, said. “People in our community want to know how a Governor will make things better for them and their families, not how Youngkin will save himself and his rich friends money. We need a Governor who knows how to get things done, listen to people in our communities, and stand up for families. We can see right through Youngkin’s weak policy release and will be voting for a Governor who represents our values and stands with us on November 2.” 


Many of the proposals Youngkin lifted up as his own are actually already underway, like revamping the Virginia Employment Commission and re-opening the DMV for walk-ins.