Jacky Cortes is our Hero

Hero or Zero?
September 8

Welcome to Progress Virginia’s Zero or Hero, a weekly, unapologetically progressive take on this week’s heroes and zeros in Virginia politics. Check out this space every Friday, and Tweet us or post to our Facebook to nominate your own heroes and zeros.

hero or zero progress virginia

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Hero: Jacky Cortes & All DREAMers

This week, the Trump Administration has waged attacks on our nation’s immigrants, opened their hearts to racism, and closed the door to people who make our country great. (BTW, America was made by immigrants).

We are so humbled and impressed by DACA recipients – like Jacky Cortes from Virginia – who are standing up to Trump’s actions, and telling their stories.

We are also thankful to live in a state where our Attorney General Mark Herring is joining Attorneys General from across the country in suing over Donald Trump’s cruel and un-American decision to end the program that allows undocumented youth who grew up in this country to remain without threat of deportation.

BTW, Mark Herring is up for re-election on November 7th. Are you registered to vote?

Zero: Donald Trump is a Jackass

Donald Trump is a jackass. This week he decided to throw a bunch of young people under the bus who have grown up in this country. Let’s be clear, Donald Trump is heartless, cruel, and un-American.

Trump also took exactly zero ownership of this decision, sending out Attorney General Jeff Session to make the announcement. In addition, he pushed back any elimination of the program for 6 months, giving Congress time to find a legislative solution. To be clear, Donald Trump is scapegoating his decision making to anyone except himself because his ego is incredibly fragile and he is a weak man.