Senator Amanda Chase Got Ratioed. Again.

Poor GOP state Senator Amanda Chase is having a rough time of it on Twitter lately. It seems no matter what she tweets, the internet is there to ratio her. Not familiar with the term? Urban Dictionary helpfully defines it as “being revealed as an idiot on twitter by having a high ratio of comments to likes and retweets.” Let’s take a little tour through her timeline, shall we?

Back in April, the Richmond Times Dispatch revealed that Chase “berated and cursed at a Capitol Police officer who refused to let her park in a secure area in downtown Richmond.” Her tirade reportedly included such choices phrases as “Do you know who i am?!” and referring to the clerk of the state Senate as “Miss Piggy.”


The RTD followed up that story with another sharing that Chase, in her immense respect for the Capitol Police, had been using them as a private chauffeur service around Capitol Square and to attend lobbyist receptions. Whoops!


Chase’s first foray into Twitter defense and subsequent ratio-land was this beauty:

Oh no! Not *gasp!* NEWS ON MOTHER’S DAY. Let’s see what the internet had to say:

Unfortunately for Chase, she didn’t seem to learn any lessons. Her very next foray into Twitter ramped up to some Trump-level name calling while attacking…the candidates she defeated in her 2015 primary? Color me confused. The internet, predictably, brought the burn.

Growing support for her Democratic opponent:

And what can only be interpreted as a good ol’ Southern “Bless her heart”:

But Chase really hit the Twitter ratio goldmine this past week with her declaration that liberals were “politicizing” the shooting in Virginia Beach by trying to actually prevent another mass shooting like happened in Virginia Beach.

Parkland survivor and March For Our Lives organizer David Hogg got in on the action.

As did Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter was shot and killed at Parkland.

The best way to sum it up? Amanda Chase: delete your account. The Internet remains undefeated.


Want to take action beyond contributing to Chase’s ratio? The General Assembly is coming back to Richmond on July 9th to take up measures to prevent gun violence. Take a second to complete our one question survey to let us know what policies you want us to fight for in the special session!