
Progress Virginia Celebrates 1st Anniversary of Birth Control Mandate in Virginia

Some in Congress – Including Rep. Dave Brat and Rep. Scott Taylor – Could Undo Hard-Won Victory, Cost Virginia Women April 26th marks the first anniversary of Governor Terry McAuliffe signing HB2267, a Virginia law that mandated health insurers to provide a year’s worth of birth control at once — saving time and hassle, especially for working women […]


Coverage Gap Activists are our Heroes

Hero or Zero? April 6th Welcome to Progress Virginia’s Hero or Zero, a weekly, unapologetically progressive take on this week’s heroes and zeros in Virginia politics. Check out this space every Friday, and Tweet us or post to our Facebook to nominate your own heroes and zeros. Like this? Please share! HERO: Virginians in the […]


It’s Game Time for Medicaid Expansion

On April 11, the General Assembly will debate and vote on a budget. There’s two versions. The House of Delegates version includes funding for Medicaid expansion; the Senate’s does not. There’s no time to waste. 400,000 of our friends and neighbors can’t wait. MEDICAID EXPANSION VOTECountdown You might be sick of hearing about Medicaid expansion […]


On International Women’s Day, Republicans Continue to Block Health Care for Women

On International Women’s Day, Republicans Continue to Block Health Care for Women Richmond, Virginia—On International Women’s Day, while bipartisan support grows for expanding access to healthcare, extremist Republicans in the State Senate and Congress continue to fight to deny women access to the care they need.  The Senate Republican Caucus in Virginia is still fighting […]


Why are Republicans trying to pull a fast one on health insurance?

Last week we wrote about Medicaid expansion—what it is, why you should care, and where it stands in terms of passage in the General Assembly. But this week, we’re going to talk about sneaky ways some conservatives are trying to sabotage the idea of giving health coverage to 400,000 uninsured Virginians too poor or too […]


Why everyone should care about Virginia expanding Medicaid

There’s no more pressing issue for the General Assembly this year than expanding Medicaid to provide quality, affordable healthcare to up to 400,000 Virginians. When you get sick, you should be able to see a doctor without having to choose between paying your medical bills or your rent. There’s been a lot happening in Richmond […]


Dear Lolita: Please Google “Medicaid Expansion”

This is part of a series of posts on Lolita Mancheno-Smoak, who is running for election in District 42. Read the other posts in this series: From Donald, With Love Where Should A Woman Get Her Healthcare: Planned Parenthood or an Overcrowded ER? Lolita Mancheno-Smoak is running as Republican to represent the 42nd District in […]


Why Heather Cordasco is Wrong About Medicaid. So Wrong.

This is part of a series of posts on Heather Cordasco, who is running for election in District 93. Read the other posts in this series: Heather Cordasco Doesn’t Understand Virginia Gun Laws I know you’ve been hearing a lot about healthcare in the news lately. For many of us, the chaos raining down from […]


The Graham-Cassidy Healthcare Repeal Bill That Just Won’t Die

The Graham-Cassidy Healthcare Repeal Bill That Just Won’t Die (But You Might) You don’t have to be a healthcare wonk these days to know that the GOP agenda includes a relentless effort to eliminate the Affordable Care Act, which made life-saving health insurance available to more working families than ever before. The latest GOP senate […]