
Dear Lolita: Please Google “Medicaid Expansion”

This is part of a series of posts on Lolita Mancheno-Smoak, who is running for election in District 42. Read the other posts in this series: From Donald, With Love Where Should A Woman Get Her Healthcare: Planned Parenthood or an Overcrowded ER? Lolita Mancheno-Smoak is running as Republican to represent the 42nd District in […]


Why Heather Cordasco is Wrong About Medicaid. So Wrong.

This is part of a series of posts on Heather Cordasco, who is running for election in District 93. Read the other posts in this series: Heather Cordasco Doesn’t Understand Virginia Gun Laws I know you’ve been hearing a lot about healthcare in the news lately. For many of us, the chaos raining down from […]


The Graham-Cassidy Healthcare Repeal Bill That Just Won’t Die

The Graham-Cassidy Healthcare Repeal Bill That Just Won’t Die (But You Might) You don’t have to be a healthcare wonk these days to know that the GOP agenda includes a relentless effort to eliminate the Affordable Care Act, which made life-saving health insurance available to more working families than ever before. The latest GOP senate […]


Virginians Deserve to See a Doctor at the Office, Not a Fairground

On a muggy Thursday evening at the Wise County Fairgrounds, a growing crowd of hundreds gathers around the fairgrounds, preparing to camp out for a long night ahead. Their reason? They are hoping to be the first ones in line to see a doctor at the Remote Area Medical (RAM) clinic the next day. The […]