
Lingamfelter: Privatize Public Schools and Ditch the Dept. of Education

Delegate Scott Lingamfelter is pushing for school privatization schemes that aim to help a small group of people profit off kids’ education in a movement that conservatives call “school choice.” But what Lingamfelter and his conservative buddies mean by that phrase is a push to divert money from public schools to pay for a small […]


Delegate Scott Lingamfelter Votes to Restrict Your Body, But Not Guns

This is part of a series of posts on Delegate Scott Lingamfelter, who is up for re-election in District 31. Read the other posts in this series: Del. Scott Lingamfelter Said It’s a “Bad Idea” to Close the Coverage Gap for 400,000 Virginians Delegate Scott Lingamfelter Remains One of Virginia’s Leading Opponents of Equality During […]