In a significant, necessary move to improve education throughout the Commonwealth, members of the Senate Education and Health Public Education Subcommittee voted to move forward SB157, Senator Ghazala Hashmi’s bill requiring teacher salaries to be at or above the national average.
Increasing Teacher Pay and Fully Funding Schools Should Be Top Priority for Virginia Education Summit
Fairfax, Virginia—As the Virginia Education Summit kicks off today, we hope that legislators are discussing how to ensure that we increase teacher pay and fully fund our schools. Hardworking students and families deserve a world-class education, but they can’t get ahead because while the state legislature has been controlled by Republicans, the state has been […]
What It’s Like Being an Underpaid Teacher in Virginia
Every Wednesday, I wear something red, take a picture for social media, and tag it with #RedForEd. I do this because I’m a public school teacher who knows our public schools are underfunded. I wear #RedForEd as part of a unified campaign in Virginia to bring awareness to the lack of funding and to advocate […]