Thanks to (former) Governor Terry McAuliffe, you can now get 12 months of birth control at once in Virginia. That’s great! It’s cheaper and saves you time. What’s less great? Congressional Republicans are threatening the access and affordability of birth control in the Commonwealth. How? By sabotaging the Affordable Care Act. Women & The ACA: […]
5 Ways to Close the Gender Pay Gap on Equal Pay Day 2018
Equal Pay Day is on April 10 this year. The day marks how long into 2018 the average woman must work to earn what her male counterpart earned in 2017 alone. You can read about the gender pay gap in our blog “Women Still Don’t See Equal Pay for Equal Work,” but here are five […]
Male Senators Voted for an Equal Pay Bill, Then Killed It When a Woman Left the Room
When Senator Jennifer Wexton stood before the Senate Finance Committee Tuesday and proposed SB419, an equal pay bill ensuring that women be paid as much as their male counterparts, the committee (led by a majority of male conservatives) passed the bill on an 11-5 vote. But as soon as Senator Wexton left the room, that […]
Three Reasons The GOP Ticket in Virginia Bad for Women
Virginia Republicans have proven over and over again that they don’t care about women. They consistently vote against common sense bills that would help Virginia women access the health care they need, mandate equal pay for equal work, and require employers to provide paid sick days. Republicans are out to protect rich white men, to […]