I feel like I’ve written this blog post 15 times already. It’s a damn shame that I have to keep writing it. That’s because sham restrictions on abortion access still exist in Virginia that keep people from accessing healthcare and force abortion clinics to shut down.
If you’ve been reading our blog, you already know about Targeted Regulations on Abortion Providers that restrict access to abortion.. You may have even been one of the more than 3,000 people who submitted a comment to the state Board of Health in June telling politicians to keep their hands off abortion access. And that’s just for this comment period. We’ve had thousands submit comments for many previous comment periods before and nothing has changed. At least not yet.

It was awesome that so many people voiced their opposition to these restrictions on abortion access. Now, we’re asking you to stand with us in person. We need you one more time to make sure that these sham restrictions come off the books once and for all by joining us at the Board of Health meeting on September 5th. At the meeting you’ll have the opportunity to show your support for abortion access to the people making the decision.
What is TRAP?
While we do have to go through the process of getting rid of sham TRAP restrictions again, the good news is that we are optimistic that the Board of Health will once more vote to scrap the sham restrictions. When TRAP is scrapped once and for all, it will be a huge step forward to ensure that abortion is accessible to everyone in the Commonwealth! So join us on September 5 and tell the Board of Health to finally scrap TRAP FOREVER!
Check out other coverage on healthcare in Virginia on our blog:
- Worried About Losing Your Health Insurance? Here’s How Voting Can Help
- We Don’t Need Sham Restrictions on Abortion
- Things I’m Over: Stigma Around Abortion