In the early hours of the morning, the Virginia House of Delegates, led by far-right activists, refused to confirm the judicial nomination of Tracy Thorne-Begland, simply because he is gay. Here is how each voted:
Nays – 31
Anderson, Bell R.P., Bell R.B., Byron, Cline, Cole, Cosgrove, Cox J.A., Dudenhefer, Edmunds, Fariss, Garrett, Greason, Helsel, Hodges, Hugo, Iaquinto, Knight, Lingamfelter, Marshall D.W., Marshall R.G., Massie, Merricks, Morefield, Pogge, Poindexter, Ramadan, Robinson Villanueva, Watson, Wilt
Abstentions under Rule 69 – 10
Cox M.K., Crockett-Stark, Ingram, Landes, O’Quinn, Putney, Rush, Scott E.T., Sherwood, Stolle
Not Voting – 26, Yeas – 33
This sort of intolerance is unacceptable in Virginia. All residents of our Commonwealth should be treated fairly and equally. Homophobia is not an acceptable reason to reject qualified judicial nominees. Tell the 41 Delegates who rejected Thorne-Begland’s nomination that Virginians won’t stand for this blatant intolerance.