Virginia’s Pro-Choice Coalition: Deeply Disappointed by President Trump’s Misleading Remarks about Reproductive Health during State of the Union Address

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA [02/05/19]—The following statement is being released by Virginia’s Pro-Choice Coalitionincluding NLIRH Virginia Latina Advocacy Network, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia, Progress Virginia, NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, and Whole Woman’s Health Alliancein reaction to President Trump’s State of the Union Address.

“Everyone, regardless of income level, race, gender identity, zip code, or citizenship status should have the ability to choose how and when to start a family on their own terms. We join the millions of people across this country who are deeply disappointed by President Trump’s misleading and reckless remarks on reproductive health during tonight’s State of the Union Address,” said the coalition. “Instead of taking this opportunity to speak powerfully and honestly about the growing number of inaccurate claims being made about safe and legal abortion, the President chose to parrot false information. As we’ve said, any conversation about reproductive health—particularly if it takes place on the public stage—needs to be defined by accuracy and respect and must reflect the fact that it’s women, in consultation with their doctors and families, who are ultimately responsible for making these deeply personal medical decisions.”

Margie Del Castillo, Director of Field and Advocacy, NLIRH Virginia Latina Advocacy Network

Missy Wesolowski, Executive Director, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia

Anna Scholl, Executive Director, Progress Virginia

Tarina Keene, Executive Director, NARAL Pro-Choice VirginiaAmy Hagstrom Miller, President and CEO, Whole Woman’s Health Alliance