Women in Office are our Heroes

Hero or Zero?
March 16th

Welcome to Progress Virginia’s Hero or Zero, a weekly, unapologetically progressive take on this week’s heroes and zeros in Virginia politics. Check out this space every Friday, and Tweet us or post to our Facebook to nominate your own heroes and zeros.

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HERO: Women in Office

The General Assembly may have ended, but the women who are serving in office are changing the way the House of Delegates works—both for elected officials and for constituents. Read more from The Washington Post.

ZERO: Corey Stewart. No, Nick Freitas. No, It’ll Have to be Both.

In the first forum for the Republican primary to challenge Senator Tim Kaine, hopefuls Corey Stewart and Nick Freitas surprised no one when they continued to be:

  • Anti-immigrant
  • Anti-gun safety
  • Against Medicaid expansion (and healthcare for nearly 400,000 Virginians)
  • In support of Trump’s #TaxScam (which gives tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations, and not the middle class)

This sprint to the right is another disgusting attack on the values of Virginia—that this is a place for everyone, regardless of their background.

Speaking of elections, however, you can register to vote right now.