Women in Office are our Heroes

Hero or Zero?
January 12

Welcome to Progress Virginia’s Zero or Hero, a weekly, unapologetically progressive take on this week’s heroes and zeros in Virginia politics. Check out this space every Friday, and Tweet us or post to our Facebook to nominate your own heroes and zeros.

hero or zero progress virginia

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Hero: women in the General Assembly

27% of the General Assembly is made of up women this year. That certainly isn’t enough women, but it’s more than the 19% who were there last year. These women are inspiring, powerful, and ready to break down barriers.

Congratulations, Assemblywomen. Let’s get to work.

Zero: The Trump Administration

Just as the Virginia General Assembly sat down to talk about expanding Medicaid and closing the coverage gap—for the first time in 8 years—, Donald Trump’s administration opened the door to start letting states impose Medicaid work requirements. Not on our watch.

Tell your Assembly members that expanding Medicaid is your number one priority this year.