
Virginia’s Student Loan Debt Crisis: Crushing Debt is Crushing Our Future

As the infographic below shows, 44 million Americans are affected by student loan debt. And the problem is growing—from 2004 to 2012, the number of borrowers and their average debt load grew by 70 percent. In Virginia alone, the average borrower owes almost $28,000 upon graduating college. This unfairly saddles graduates, more than half of […]


In Virginia, Higher Education Means Higher Costs

Due to chronic underfunding of Virginia’s colleges and universities, the cost of a college education for students in our communities is now at a record high, according to a recent report by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). The General Assembly is underfunding Virginia institutions of higher education by $660 million. Students […]


It’s easy to call out Nazis. It’s hard to call out our neighbors.

In the wake of violent demonstrations and domestic terrorism by the New Klan in Charlottesville this weekend, a chorus of voices have demanded that elected leaders condemn white supremacy and Nazi ideology. Some figures (Donald Trump, Corey Stewart) have fallen far short of the mark. But calling out Nazis is not enough. It is the […]


Women’s Health Advocates Call On John Adams to Protect Access, Abide By SCOTUS

Richmond, VA–Advocates for reproductive health and rights challenged John Adams, the GOP candidate for Virginia Attorney General, to pledge to protect Virginia women’s constitutional right to access abortion Thursday afternoon. The call with reporters preceded a Friday legal hearing in The Family Foundation’s lawsuit over amended Targeted Regulations on Abortion Providers. The office of Attorney General Mark Herring is […]


In First LG Forum, Will Vogel Apologize For Transvaginal Ultrasound Bill?

Charlottesville, VA—When Justin Fairfax and Jill Vogel face off in their first forum of the Lieutenant Governor’s race Wednesday, Vogel will have yet another opportunity to apologize for her sponsorship of the infamous transvaginal ultrasound bill. In 2012, State Senator Vogel introduced SB484, requiring a woman who decided to have an abortion to undergo an additional waiting […]


Laquan Austion: #FakeNews Candidate

Laquan Austion, GOP candidate for Delegate in Virginia’s 2nd district, is in hot water this week after revelations in the Richmond Times Dispatch that he misled the public and some reporters about his educational background. According to the RTD, Austion falsely claimed to Potomac Local to have a master’s degree from The George Washington University. Austion also misrepresented […]


AG Herring Stands Up For Defrauded Virginia Students

Virginia joins 18 states in suing Education Secretary Betsy DeVos over borrower protections Richmond, VA –Progress Virginia, the state’s leading voice for progressive values, today thanked Attorney General Mark Herring for his strong defense of Virginia students who have been defrauded by for-profit colleges.Herring’s office announced this morning Virginia is joining 18 other states to […]


Better Healthcare… If You’re a Millionaire

5 Numbers Show Why You Can’t Afford Trumpcare The recent CBO score of the Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act confirms that the bill will cause more people to be uninsured, make insurance more expensive, and gut protections for everyone, even those with job-based insurance. These five numbers show how Trumpcare is bad for your health—and your […]


NEW WEBSITE: Ed Gillespie’s 115+ Day Silence on Trumpcare

Over 500,000 Virginians could lose coverage under the GOP plans but Gillespie can’t say if or how he’ll support our families As Republicans in the U.S. Senate scramble to find the votes for Trumpcare, in Virginia Ed Gillespie’s silence on the issue is quickly becoming disqualifying. The House and Senate bills would pay for tax […]


Alex Jones Doesn’t Deserve to be Heard.

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequence. This Sunday, reporter Megyn Kelly will sit down with extreme conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for an interview on NBC. She shouldn’t. If you’re one of the few lucky people who hasn’t heard of Alex Jones, he’s an extreme right-wing radio personality who pedals dangerous, made-up, conspiracy theories […]