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It’s Getting Hot in Here––Hopefully RGGI Will Help Us Cool Down

I’m a gardener and I love harvesting my veggies to make fresh, wholesome meals. I can now expect to do this well into winter these days, but it’s all for a very ominous reason––climate change. It kind of freaks me out that it doesn’t get cold enough anymore to kill my greens and I can […]


The Virginia Values Act Is Good for People and Business

Since my partner decided to come out as transgender almost two years ago, we’ve had more conversations about how the decision would affect our careers, shared earning potential, and living options than we did about how it would affect our personal and emotional lives.  via GIPHY The Workforce Still Doesn’t Accept LGBTQ+ Individuals My partner […]


Take the Monuments Down!

We all know that Confederate monuments are racist and gross. But the good news is, thanks to a new law passed by the General Assembly, which goes into effect on July 1, localities finally have the power to take these monuments down.! They’re not going to go away on their own. So, we’re all going […]


Virginia’s Universities Are Now Open to ALL Virginia Residents!

Everyone deserves access to a higher education and if you’re a Virginia resident, you deserve the right to pay in-state tuition at our colleges and universities. As of July 1, undocumented students who live in Virginia won’t have to pay international student rates to attend the public college or university of their choice in the […]


Virginia Is Behind the Wheel with Driving Privileges for All

We all love our cars and the privileges that come with them. They are part of our everyday lives–they help us get to our jobs, run errands, ferry our kids around, and buy groceries. Driving is essential to the ability to be a productive member of a family and community. With the addition of ride […]


Finally! We Have Universal Background Checks For Gun Purchases in Virginia!

It took way too long for this and way too many families grieving loved ones lost due to gun violence. The day is finally here, and we have passed a bill to require universal background checks for all gun purchases in Virginia. The law went into effect on July 1, and it will go far […]


Get Your Vote On Without Being Carded!

Our country is at a tipping point. The voices of the oppressed are crying out after being ignored, abused, and brutalized. We may not have it as bad as our grandparents, but we know this life is nowhere near what it could be and we won’t stop until it is. That’s why it is so […]


Extreme Risk Protection Orders Save Lives

Starting on July 1, Virginia will join 15 other states that have extreme risk protection orders. This means that a judge can remove firearms from people who are determined to be at risk of harming themselves or others. This law will help prevent gun violence by ensuring that people who are going through a crisis […]


Progress Virginia Stands in Solidarity With Youth Organizers Taking a Stand Against Systemic Police Brutality

Richmond—Today, student and youth organizers from the Virginia Student Power Network filed a lawsuit suing the City of Richmond, the Richmond Police Department, and the Virginia State Police for violating their constitutional right to free speech, assembly, and protest. The lawsuit requests an immediate order to stop these violations. This lawsuit comes is a direct […]