
Virginia Is Missing Out On Huge Voter Blocs

When we talk about voting rights in advocacy, we usually talk about people who’ve had their rights taken away because of felony convictions, but there’s a huge community of people we forget who don’t have voting rights––Virginia undocumented immigrants. Despite being written into the U.S. Constitution, history shows us the receipts that the right to […]


Second Class Citizens: The Fight for Voting Rights Continues

“Well I can’t vote for any of them anyway. I have a felony.” I might have heard a statement like that at least a hundred times when I was registering voters during my fellowship with New Virginia Majority. It was 2014 and I was chosen to participate in a Virginia initiative created to commemorate the […]


Don’t Believe the Hype: Republican Attacks on Pre-Existing Conditions Are Crystal Clear

Richmond, Virginia—Though some would like you to believe otherwise, the fact is that Republicans in the General Assembly have repeatedly voted for legislation that would make it more difficult for people with pre-existing conditions to access care. From opposing the Affordable Care Act to refusing to pass Medicaid Expansion until voters demanded it, legislative Republicans […]


House of the Rising Women Part 2

This is part two of a three-part series on the rise of women of color in the Virginia state legislature. Click here to read part one. via GIPHY Over my first year in Virginia politics, I kept hearing about the badass women of color that are leading here in Virginia. When days were dark, tuning […]


ICYMI: Virginians Need A Borrower’s Bill of Rights

Thanks to the hard work of advocacy groups like Progress Virginia and legislators like Senator Janet Howell and Delegate Marcia Price, the Office of the Qualified Education Loan Ombudsman opened earlier this year to help people with student loan debt navigate the often confusing student loan debt repayment process. Since the office opened in January, […]


Why Does A Health Care Professional Vote to Keep You From Getting Your Health Care?

Republican state Senator Siobhan Dunnavant is running scared in her re-election campaign. She’s flat out lying in TV ads about her voting record on health care, saying she’s fighting for “affordable, quality health care” for Virginians. Dunnavant should be nervous–her Henrico County district is leaning more Democratic and health care is important to her constituents. […]


3 Reasons Rich Anderson Shouldn’t Be A Delegate Again

Rich Anderson was the Delegate for the 51st district for 7 years. Then, Democrat Hala Ayala beat him in 2017 and went to Richmond to stand up for us. But Rich Anderson is like a zombie coming back from the dead because he is running again. When you support bad policies, you don’t get a […]


ICYMI: Glen Sturtevant Opposes Rezoning to Integrate Richmond’s Whitest Schools

Senator Glen Sturtevant has started a petition in opposition to a rezoning plan that would better integrate two of Richmond’s whitest schools. He claims he wants to “save” the two schools, but from what? Sturtevant’s petition uses a phrase, “Save Our Neighborhood Schools,” commonly employed in the 1970s by opponents of school integration. “Every child, […]