Below, ProgressVA’s 2013 GOP Convention Guide, Limited Women’s Health Edition details the records of the Virginia GOP candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General on women’s reproductive rights and access to health care. As the guide demonstrates, no matter who is nominated on Saturday, they will form a ticket with a long history of attempts to ban […]
What have Cuccinelli and McDonnell been hiding?
Bob McDonnell and Ken Cuccinelli’s relationship with Star Scientific and its CEO is making headlines across the Commonwealth and generating questions about conflicts of interest and ethics violations. The story is complicated, with numerous gifts, vacations, flights, and law suits. To make sure you understand just what Cuccinelli and McDonnell have been up to, ProgressVA […]
While Star Scientific case languishes, Cuccinelli pushes to keep government in the bedroom
While litigation concerning Star Scientific, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s sole stock investment, continues to languish, the Attorney General’s office has moved swiftly to challenge a recent court ruling striking down Virginia’s anti-sodomy law. The Washington Blade reports Cuccinelli filed a petition with the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, asking for the full 15-judge panel to […]
I Support VAWA, These VA Congressmen Did Not
It’s incredible that any politician would champion the rights of violent criminals at the expense of women and children’s safety. But many conservatives in Congress, under Eric Cantor’s leadership, voted yesterday to oppose renewing protections for abused women and children. Meanwhile, they’re fighting for the power of criminals, rapists, and stalkers to get guns. Stronger […]
McDonnell’s Louisiana Education Model Comes With Few Results
Rather than pursue home grown education solutions to improve state schooling, much of Governor Bob McDonnell’s education “reform” proposals have mirrored policies pushed by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. As McDonnell appears with Jindal today to promote their plans for school “recovery districts”, it might be useful to review the programs’ outcomes in Louisiana. Recent Education […]
McDonnell’s Education Reform Mentor Carries Water For Private Education Profiteers
Elements of Governor Bob McDonnell’s education “reform” agenda follow closely policies supported and advocated by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. McDonnell will join Bush on a conference call this afternoon to discuss his A-F school grading proposal, an idea Bush‘s educational foundation has championed. A recent expose by a public interest organization foundBush‘s educational foundation frequently advocated for state education […]
Key Virginia GOP State Senators Previously Opposed Electoral Vote Gerrymander Scheme
According to the Virginian Pilot, a Senate subcommittee on Wednesday advanced SB723, a bill introduced by Senator Bill Carrico that would radically redistribute Virginia’s electoral votes. Rather than award the electors on the basis of which candidate won the most votes, Carrico’s scheme would essentially gerrymander the presidential elections, giving priority to the size of […]
Caroling Against Cuts Live UPDATED
As we’ve mentioned before, today our caroling events are part of our statewide day of action asking Virginia’s representatives to protect Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security in the fiscal cliff negotiations while letting the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% expire. Right now, singing is underway in Tyson’s Corner: Even more great photos from ProgressVA […]
Caroling Against Cuts Across Virginia Tomorrow
Tomorrow at noon, Virginians are gathering at Senator Warner’s Norfolk and Vienna offices to “Carol Against Cuts”. ProgressVA, the Virginia AFL-CIO, Virginia Organizing, Move On, AARP, Alliance for Retired Americans, SEIU, and fellow progressives from cross the Commonwealth will reprise well-known holiday melodies with new lyrics, such as such as “Oh Fiscal Cliff” to the […]
“Fiscal Cliff” Notes
Elections have consequences. In the voting booth, Virginians and Americans spoke loud and clear in favor of raising revenue and creating jobs. As Congress approaches the so-called “fiscal cliff”, it’s time to bring some sanity in to the discussion. Below is a terrific 5-point guide from MoveOn to the fiscal showdown cuts through the political noise. […]