Tomorrow, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) turns 2 years old. Even though it’s only partially implemented, it’s already helping families save health care costs and making it possible for small business owners to more easily provide health insurance to employees. Small businesses benefit from: The ACA ends the “Job Lock.” Starting a business can be risky for those […]
#Healthcareworks for Young Adults and Children
Health care works for seniors, health care works for Women, and Health care works for Young Adults and Children The great recession has been a challenging time for all Virginians, but especially those entering the workforce for the first time. Whether getting a job after high school, college or graduate school, there has been more competition […]
#HealthCareWorks when being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition
Continuing our week long celebration of the 2nd anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, let’s look at a few of the things the the Affordable Care Act does for women’s health: The ACA ends lifetime limits on healthcare and bans annual limits beginning in 2014. For those who are most sick, this means that […]
The Affordable Care Act is working for Virginia
This Thursday, March 23, the Affordable Care Act will celebrate its two-year anniversary. To mark the occasion, advocates across the Commonwealth will host events to highlight how the ACA has worked for Virginia. These activities include a tweet chat on Twitter, campus speak-outs, community conversations and others where Virginians will share their personal stories […]
Sunshine Week Transparency
This week is Sunshine week, where we celebrate the Freedom of Information Act and transparent government. But it began with the disturbing news that the study of uranium mining in Pittsylvania will not be subject to public scrutiny and “many of its papers [will be kept] secret”. This study will be used to determine how to regulate […]
On wins and losses
Yesterday we lost a difficult fight. Late in the afternoon, Governor McDonnell signed HB 462, which forces women to undergo intrusive, medically unnecessary ultrasounds as a precursor to receiving legal medical care. In so doing, Governor McDonnell demonstrated his dedication to a right wing agenda and his personal political aspirations over the women of Virginia […]
Don’t judge a book by its cover
The media loves to make claims about the Affordable Care Act being unpopular. The latest USA/Gallup poll doesn’t tell the whole truth about Americans’ attitudes about the Affordable Care Act and in fact, shows the health care reform law is unpopular because its been politicized. In fact, when people learn the truth about the […]
Ever heard of Friends With Benefits?
Today for Valentine’s Day, the Young Invincibles, an organization focused on expanding health care coverage for younger Americans, launched their #FriendsWithBenefits campaign to help educate young people about their new health care options. The campaign includes incredibly detailed, state-specific health care toolkits that are available to download for free. Through the use of social networking […]
NY Times Highlights Report on “Pervasive” Influence of ALEC on Virginia Legislature
This morning the New York Times Editorial page profiled ProgressVA’s report on the influence of a “little-known conservative organization financed by millions of corporate dollars” on Virginia’s legislature. The American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, is responsible for over 50 bills introduced in the General Assembly in recent years. The editorial concluded, “ALEC’s work…further demonstrates […]
A Reality Check for Bob McDonnell
While appearing on a Sunday morning news show with Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, Governor Bob McDonnell stated, “I’m glad the economy is starting to recover, but I think it’s because of what Republican governors are doing in their states, not because of the president.” However, the Washington Examiner reports, “Maryland created eight times more private-sector jobs than Virginia […]