Kiggans Doesn’t Cut It

by Kimberly R. Nario

While we’re all being bombarded with political ads of candidates repeating their best qualities in their most unassuming tones—while sometimes talking sh*t about their opponents—let me remind you of some things one candidate may have failed to mention in her ads. 

Jen Kiggans apparently has a problem saying President Biden won the 2020 presidential election. I don’t know about you, but I think elected officials should believe in our free and fair elections. Her habit of going silent when asked to affirm the results of the election is giving election denier vibes. Though, that would be in line with her party

Something else Kiggans (attempts) to deny: trans girls from playing school sports. She can tout her credentials as a nurse practitioner all she wants, but her stance on trans kids is dangerous. From bathrooms to basketball courts, soccer fields and everything in between, children should be allowed to live their lives as their authentic selves. By now we’re all familiar with the overwhelming opposition to Governor Youngkin’s model policy. Even the AG’s office wanted to ban in-person public comments

That’s not the only educational arena Kiggans has tried to disrupt. During this year’s regular session, she joined the Republican ranks looking to ban “divisive concepts” from the classroom. When asked to define the term, much like her response to questions about election results, she didn’t have much to say. Thankfully, the bill failed to report out of the Senate Education and Health subcommittee. 

Another bill Kiggans introduced that we wouldn’t mind seeing in the trash can: one that would require job applicants to disclose prior criminal history for marijuana offenses. Take a look around. President Biden (the guy who won the 2020 Presidential Election) announced a pardon for federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana. Of course we want to see more, but it’s a start. Kiggans’ bill is a move in the wrong direction.

One of her priorities listed on her website is, “Delivering for Veterans.” But she voted against a bill that could help veterans make ends meet. She also criticized student loan forgiveness, nevermind the fact that on average, Virginia students average close to $40,000 in student loan debt.

We deserve leaders we can believe in, not politicians who run away when they’re uncomfortable. Kiggans’ work at the state level leaves much to be desired, mainly policy that actually helps Virginians. Bottom line: When it comes to doing what’s best for the people of the Commonwealth, Kiggans just can’t. 

P.S. Kiggans believes the US needs to hold China accountable for the spread of COVID-19. Should we talk about how viewpoints like that spread racist rhetoric, or nah? 

P.S.S. Save me from grinding my teeth into oblivion and please, please vote

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