Koch-funded Bob McDonnell consulting job-killing Koch Brothers on job creation

Governor Bob McDonnell is in Vail, CO today, attending a secret conservative conference hosted by two of the biggest right-wing money men in America, the Koch Brothers.

Governor Bob McDonnell is in Vail, CO today, attending a secret conservative conference hosted by two of the biggest right-wing money men in America, the Koch Brothers. According to McDonnell’s spokesperson, he’s attending the conference to solicit job creation ideas. Unfortunately for Virginians, the Koch’s idea of job creation is laying off thousands of employees while spending millions of dollars on campaigns to preserve corporate tax loopholes and big oil giveaways.

These are the kind of ideas that will further devastate Virginia’s middle class, not get us back to work. Its time for Bob McDonnell to come home and start listening to Virginians on job creation.

Its no small wonder Bob McDonnell would lend his ear to the political advice of Charles and David Koch. The brothers have given over $100,000 to McDonnell’s political campaigns. But that number pales in comparison to the millions they’ve spent on shady front groups to advocate for privatizing Social Security and Medicare, for more tax breaks to millionaires and corporations that send our jobs overseas, and for subsidies for oil companies making record profits.

The right wing Koch donors don’t have Virginians best interests at heart. We need a serious approach to restoring jobs and Virginia’s middle class, not conservative talking points and failed economic policies that got us into this mess in the first place.



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