
Another Mother’s Day For Justice

A couple of weeks ago, I was in the pediatric emergency room with my 14-month-old son after he busted his lip open while bumbling about. Believe me, hanging out in an ER with a young child is one of the worst ways to spend your time. While we waited for what felt like an eternity […]


What Exactly Is The Point?

It always amazes me how death can make you reexamine all your life choices. Let me start with some background. I am 34 years old, successful in my career, college-educated, unmarried, and without any children. I bet you’re thinking, that’s not unique, there are a lot of women in your position. You are right! There […]


Qualified Immunity is Killing the Black Community

It’s been a year, and I still can’t sleep. If you think I’m talking about the pandemic, you’re mistaken. It’s been a year since a girl like me was resting in her bed and never got the chance to meet the dawn of the new day. She never got the chance to call her mom […]


March PV Spotlight: Birth In Color RVA

Welcome to our new series the “Progress Virginia Spotlight” where we profile organizations in the Commonwealth that work to bring justice to everyone so we have strong, healthy, and thriving communities in our state. This month, we’re shining the light on Birth In Color RVA, a collective of doulas that focuses on advocacy and policy […]


Progress Virginia Stands in Solidarity With Youth Organizers Taking a Stand Against Systemic Police Brutality

Richmond—Today, student and youth organizers from the Virginia Student Power Network filed a lawsuit suing the City of Richmond, the Richmond Police Department, and the Virginia State Police for violating their constitutional right to free speech, assembly, and protest. The lawsuit requests an immediate order to stop these violations. This lawsuit comes is a direct […]