
In First Test, Senate Democrats Protect Our Progress, Reject Bill to Cap Minimum Wage

In the first major test of this legislative session, Democratic members of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee voted to protect our progress and rejected SB173, a bill sponsored by Senator Mark Peake that would cap the minimum wage at $11 an hour and prevent it from rising to the $15 an hour promised by previously passed legislation.


Work, Work, Work, Work, Workers’ Rights

“How can we have a labor shortage if there are so many people who are unemployed?” Ahh, the question posed by all of our least favorite uncles. I think the answer can be summed up into three words:  People are tired. Tired of working long hours for little pay. Tired of putting themselves at risk […]


Minimum Wage, Maximum Rage

by Kimberly Nario At the start of the pandemic (before I started working at Progress Virginia), I had to cobble together two part-time jobs with occasional freelance work to survive. My hours from these two jobs combined were equal to a single full-time job. So how could I be making more than twice the minimum […]


We Need to Take Care of the Folks Who Put Food on Our Tables

Did you know that in Virginia, farm wages can make our minimum wage seem downright generous?  I was shocked to learn that some employers take advantage of the fact that agricultural workers, the majority of whom are Black and Brown, are exempt from Virginia’s new Minimum Wage Act. Even if our state minimum wage increases, […]


Virginia Workers Deserve a Raise for Keeping Us Alive

I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure how I would be getting through the COVID-19 lockdown if the workers at my grocery store weren’t at the top of their game right now. As I try to map out how to shop so I can minimize the number of times I leave the house, […]


ICYMI: Small Business Owners Come Out In Support of a $15 Minimum Wage

Richmond, Virginia—As lawmakers debate the merits of raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, small business owners are coming out in support of the measure. Small business owners know that paying their employees higher wages is good for business. “Everyone should have the opportunity to work hard and thrive in our communities. But when […]