
Removing the Lee Monument Reminds All Virginians, All Are Welcome

The United States Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the statue of Robert E. Lee can finally be removed.  This monument was one of the largest and most painful shrines dedicated to preserving the abominable principles of inequality, bigotry, and racism in the South. We’re thrilled that we can finally say farewell to the Lee Monument. […]


Take the Monuments Down!

We all know that Confederate monuments are racist and gross. But the good news is, thanks to a new law passed by the General Assembly, which goes into effect on July 1, localities finally have the power to take these monuments down.! They’re not going to go away on their own. So, we’re all going […]


Some Confederate Monuments Will Come Down, But There’s Still More Work To Do

Richmond, Virginia—Grassroots activists who have worked for years to remove the racist monuments to white supremacy from public spaces have something to celebrate today with the announcement that the statue of celebrated racist and traitor to the United States, Robert E. Lee, will finally be removed from Richmond’s Monument Avenue. Additionally, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney […]