Last night in his State of the Union address, the President spoke of a better America and better government. Guided by the belief that government “should do for people only what they cannot do better by themselves, and no more,” the President has led our government to govern better, implementing historic initiatives such as the Affordable Care Act and leading the government to reform the health insurance market place instead of creating a government-run program. But by design, implementation of health care reform, in part, requires state action. Our Virginia legislature has only 60 days to act and lay the foundation for our health benefits exchanges. These exchanges will be the free-market systems where citizens and businesses will acquire the health care insurance that they need, at a price that they can pay. Simply put, by creating health benefits exchanges, our legislature is only “doing for people what they cannot do better by themselves.” It’s time that the Virginia legislature pass legislation creating our health benefits exchanges–for the benefit of all Virginians and for a better Virginia.