
Get Ready for the General Assembly Session

By Ashleigh Crocker It’s December, so you might be drinking hot chocolate, decorating a tree, lighting a menorah, shopping til you drop, spending time with family, or marking the holiday season with your own special traditions. But for us at Progress Virginia, December means something else too: it’s time to get ready for the General […]


What is CRT anyways? Part One

If you live in Virginia, it is virtually impossible to not have heard something, even the tiniest nugget of information or mention of Critical Race Theory, commonly referred to as CRT.  


6 Things I Hate About Delegate Nick Freitas

Going through the bills that were filed this session, I noticed a disturbing pattern: many of the worst bills were all sponsored by the same guy. Who, you might ask? None other than Delegate Nick Freitas.


Fed Up With What the GOP is Serving

I hope y’all are hungry because Virginia’s GOP is serving up a buffet of ridiculousness. We knew this session would be different – and difficult – without a trusted Democratic trifecta to lead the Commonwealth. So when it comes to the nonsense some GOP legislators are trying to push through the General Assembly, you can color us shocked, but NOT surprised. 


We Define Our Communities, Not Politicians

Every 10 years, Americans participate in the U.S. Census. (You filled out your census form last year, right?) The information from the Census is then used in conjunction with input from communities to draw political maps. Those maps then determine what district we live in, who represents us, and how they will allocate resources for […]


Work, Work, Work, Work, Workers’ Rights

“How can we have a labor shortage if there are so many people who are unemployed?” Ahh, the question posed by all of our least favorite uncles. I think the answer can be summed up into three words:  People are tired. Tired of working long hours for little pay. Tired of putting themselves at risk […]


August PV Spotlight on Appalachian Voices

Another report just came out sounding the ? on climate change––another “code RED for humanity.” The United Nations said on Monday that climate change is caused by humans, and that catastrophic weather events will only worsen in the years to come. Recycling isn’t enough y’all, we need immediate action from our leaders to tackle this […]


Holla For Ayala: Three Things You May Not Know About Our Nominee for Lt. Governor

Have you ever been headed somewhere and the destination wasn’t clear at first, but it came into focus the longer you stayed on the journey? Well, I’ve been working in professional politics for a few decades now. After all this time, it has become clear that I’m working to get women elected who not only […]


So Psyched On Our Commonwealth!

July PV Spotlight on Progress Virginia! For the past few months, we’ve used the PV Spotlight to highlight other organizations’ work that will continue to make Virginia a better place for everyone. For July, we’re turning the spotlight on us because it’s Progress Virginia’s TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Sorry not sorry for coming across as brash, […]


Hide or Lie: Glenn Youngkin Is Too Scared to Debate

Did you know that just a few weeks ago, Glenn Youngkin was caught on camera saying that he can’t tell voters how he really feels about abortion because then he might lose the election? via GIPHY Yup. He said that he would do everything in his power to limit abortion access in Virginia but if […]