On July 9, I spent more time getting ready for work and finding parking than Republicans spent working during that day’s special session on gun violence prevention. After 90 minutes, Senator Tommy Norment and (now former) Speaker of the House Kirk Cox adjourned the special session without voting on any bills that were introduced to […]
Completing the General Assembly Puzzle: A Beginner’s Guide to the House and Senate Committees
The Virginia General Assembly is crazy complicated. As a newbie to Virginia politics, I had a sneaking suspicion that there were other Virginians who wouldn’t mind me explaining the puzzle that is the committee system. Some of the committees are identical in both the House of Delegates and the Senate. Some are not! Just like […]
ICYMI: Workers At Dulles And National Airports Win $15 Minimum Wage
Dulles, Virginia—After years of organizing and advocating for increasing the minimum wage to $15, workers at Dulles and National Airport have finally won. 8,000 workers across the two airports will make $15 an hour by 2023. “We’re thrilled that the airport workers have won this victory and will start making $15 an hour in the […]
3 Progressive Bills To Watch As We Gear Up for General Assembly
I don’t know about you, but I feel like since the November election we are living in a whole different world. The bills that are being filed for the General Assembly session that begins January 8 are giving me life right now! Not only are some legislators getting ready to work on passing some awesome […]
Why We Need “No-Excuse” Absentee Voting in Virginia
Election Day is arguably one of the most important days of the year in Virginia. It’s the day that decides the course of our nation, our state, and our localities for years to come. It’s critical that everyone has the opportunity and the time to vote in the election. But why is it only one […]
Increasing Teacher Pay and Fully Funding Schools Should Be Top Priority for Virginia Education Summit
Fairfax, Virginia—As the Virginia Education Summit kicks off today, we hope that legislators are discussing how to ensure that we increase teacher pay and fully fund our schools. Hardworking students and families deserve a world-class education, but they can’t get ahead because while the state legislature has been controlled by Republicans, the state has been […]
Republicans Would Rather Spend Millions of Taxpayer Dollars Than Ensure Hardworking Families Have Access to Medicaid Expansion
Richmond, Virginia—Inexplicably, Republicans would rather spend millions of taxpayer dollars and create extra layers of bureaucratic red tape to implement punitive work requirements for Medicaid Expansion instead of working to make it easier and more affordable for people in our community to see a doctor when they get sick. “Affordable, quality health care should be […]
ICYMI: Poll Confirms Voters Support Bold, Progressive Reforms
Virginia—A new poll has just confirmed what voters made clear on Election Day: hardworking families in our community support a bold, progressive agenda that includes raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour, universal background checks on gun purchases, increased access to abortion, and action to fight climate change. Legislators should take note and be […]
Can Virginia Be For Lovers and For Our Black Students?
As someone who wants to raise her children in Virginia, it breaks my heart to know that Virginia leads the nation in pushing children out of school and into the hands of the broken criminal justice system. But it makes my heart feel a little better knowing that there are local organizations fighting to keep […]