By Jack Cooper, ProgressVA Intern I was a little taken aback while looking over HB207 proposed by Delegate Dickie Bell (R-20). This bill would require the Board of Education along with local school boards and teaching staff to create an overall positive environment for elementary and secondary school students that “encourages students to explore scientific […]
URGENT CALLERS NEEDED: Fetal Anomaly Amendment up at 4PM!
The Virginia Senate Finance Committee needs to hear from you right now before a dangerous fetal anomaly amendment is heard at 4PM. Please call the committee members and tell them to oppose it. Talking points are included below. If your State Senator is listed below please call them immediately. Committee Members: Walter A. Stosch, Chair (804) […]
The Unaddressed “Accomplishments” of Governor McDonnell
Last night Governor Bob McDonnell gave his final state of the Commonwealth address. The speech was equal parts legacy touting and apologies for the gift scandal that has engulfed his term. Somehow, quite a few notable “accomplishments” (many of which Virginians probably deserve an apology for) didn’t make the list. Lucky you, we’re here to […]
Does your family talk more than turkey on Thanksgiving?
Turkey. Football. Food coma. Relatives poorly informed about politics. While Ken Cuccinelli probably isn’t showing up to your Thanksgiving dinner this year (or maybe he is. We don’t know your life), his right-wing talking points might. Everyone has friends and family members who love to debate politics even though they have no clue what they […]
Do you want to be a ProgressVA 2014 Legislative Intern?
What we’re offering: ProgressVA’s legislative interns will play a crucial role in our General Assembly program by monitoring legislation and helping inform the public of prospective policy changes. Interns may be asked to assist with additional programs as time permits. Legislative intern responsibilities will include: Attending legislative hearings at the General Assembly Writing blog […]
VIDEO – Cuccinelli and Obenshain’s Personhood History
Ken Cuccinelli and Mark Obenshain have been trying to fool Virginians recently, saying they wouldn’t support extreme legislation that would ban abortions and some forms of birth control. Unfortunately (for them), actions speak louder than their new words. We tracked down the facts so you don’t have to. That’s right, Cuccinelli and Obenshain supported extreme, […]
UPDATED: McDonnell/Cuccinelli Star Scientific timeline graphic
As details continue to drip out about Governor Bob McDonnell’s relationship with Star Scientific CEO Jonnie Williams, Ken Cuccinelli’s relationship with the same donor is becoming more and more problematic. As noted in numerous news reports, Cuccinelli accepted and failed to disclose gifts from Williams and bought stock in his company while Star Scientific sued […]
ICYMI: Ken Cuccinelli’s Back Door Abortion Ban Shutters Second Women’s Health Center
Ken Cuccinelli is one step closer to his “ultimate goal, which is to make abortion disappear in America.” NOVA Women’s Healthcare, the state’s largest women’s health center, announced this week it is closing in the face of burdensome and unnecessary state regulations. Cuccinelli, as Attorney General, overstepped the bounds of his office and bullied the […]
GRAPHIC: What if Bob McDonnell Was Held To The Same Standard As Marion Barry?
Virginia politicians frequently point out how much better Richmond functions than Washington, D.C. One area where DC has a leg up, however? Ethics rules. Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that the District of Columbia’s ethics board has fined Council Member Marion Barry $13,600 for accepting illegal and unethical gifts. Barry was sanctioned with a fine equal to double the amount […]
Cuccinelli’s Koch Party
Billionaire and right-wing Tea Party funder David Koch has next to nothing in common with the Virginia working families Ken Cuccinelli wants to represent as Governor. But tonight, Cuccinelli will be collecting big checks from Koch and his right-wing buddies, not working for Virginia families. Virginians know how this works — corporate sponsors who fund […]