
If Virginians Want Affordable Healthcare, Why Does Dave Brat Vote To Take It Away?

There’s no doubt about it. Virginians want affordable healthcare. Residents of the Commonwealth made their voices heard during the 2017 General Assembly elections by voting for candidates who promised to bring Medicaid expansion to the state. Those candidates delivered on their campaign promise when Governor Northam signed the budget in June, giving access to affordable […]


Trump’s healthcare sabotage is really bad for Virginia

Good news, Virginia! We finally expanded Medicaid. I’m just gonna let you soak in that glory for a second. Ok. Now, I have some bad news for you. It’s about the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Health insurance premiums are poised to skyrocket next year in Virginia. Why? Because of the Trump administration’s efforts to sabotage […]


New Polling Shows Va Voters Reject Healthcare Obstruction 2-to-1

Blocking Medicaid Expansion Endangers Reelection Prospects For Sturtevant, Wagner, Dunnavant Richmond, VA–New polling released this morning shows Republicans will pay an electoral price for their continued obstruction on healthcare coverage. Polling conducted by Public Policy Polling found by a 2-to-1 margin, voters in the districts of State Senators Glen Sturtevant, Frank Wagner, and Siobhan Dunnavant […]


There’s Still Time To Demand Healthcare for Virginia

Friday, March 23 was the Affordable Care Act’s 8th birthday, and we spent the day celebrating the gains we have made and demanding that anti-healthcare legislators like Rep. Scott Taylor (R—VA-02) stop blocking our access to life-saving healthcare. Conservatives like Taylor have spent the last eight years trying their best to repeal the popular healthcare […]


Healthcare Voters are Our Heroes

Hero or Zero? March 23rd Welcome to Progress Virginia’s Hero or Zero, a weekly, unapologetically progressive take on this week’s heroes and zeros in Virginia politics. Check out this space every Friday, and Tweet us or post to our Facebook to nominate your own heroes and zeros. Like this? Please share! HERO: Healthcare Voters Today […]