
Abortion Access Granted

What do you get when you put together years of activism and advocacy with lawmakers who support our freedom of choice? Abortion coverage! That’s right, y’all, beginning July 1, plans available in our state health insurance exchange can FINALLY cover abortion. In case you didn’t know, abortion coverage in our state health insurance exchange was […]


Glenn Youngkin is an Anti-Abortion Access Extremist

Glenn Youngkin is trying to pull a fast one on voters regarding his position on abortion access. During the primary, he claimed he was “pro-life,” full-stop. Now that he’s won the primary, he’s saying his position on abortion is more moderate because there are three situations in which he would allow a person to access […]


The People Have Spoken: Pass RHEA Now!

Since Democrats took over both the House of Delegates and the State Senate in 2019, we’ve passed a flurry of progressive legislation on everything: voting rights, gun violence prevention, abortion access, economic justice, and many more. We’ve made a lot of progress in the last two years, but our work isn’t done yet, especially when […]


Abortion Access Activists Host People’s Hearing on Reproductive Health Equity Act

Richmond, Virginia—Abortion access advocates gathered for a People’s Hearing this evening where they shared stories about the importance of passing the Reproductive Health Equity Act and got an update on what is happening with the bill.  “I’m sponsoring the Reproductive Health Equity Act because I believe everyone, regardless of their income, the color of their […]


Raise a Glass to Progress!

2021 General Assembly Session Round-Up Part 1 via GIPHY Another monumental legislative session has wrapped up where the progressive majority in the Virginia legislature continues to flex by showing the rest of the South that it too can leave Jim Crow behind. Our lawmakers just keep on pushing! As the 2021 General Assembly is wrapping […]


3 Reasons We Need To Pass The Reproductive Health Equity Act

Lots of people think that getting an abortion is as simple as making an appointment at the doctor’s office and showing up for the appointment. But unfortunately, that is not the case at all. Instead of going to your regular doctor, people seeking an abortion have to make an appointment at a special clinic and […]


Top Three Bills To Watch During the 2021 Legislative Session In Virginia

When the 2021 General Assembly legislative session starts in January, it will be a session like no other. COVID has changed everything. The House of Delegates will meet virtually and the state Senate will meet at the Science Museum of Virginia. With virtual floor meetings, no in-person lobbying, and zooming in to give public testimony, […]


Abortion Access Advocates Release Documentary Featuring Virginians Sharing Their Abortion Stories

Abortion Access Advocates Release Documentary Featuring Virginians Sharing Their Abortion Stories  Shine The Light: Abortion Access in Virginia is a four-part documentary series that will be released episodically online over the next few weeks.  Virginia—Shine The Light: Abortion Access in Virginia is a documentary featuring four Virginians sharing what it was really like to have […]


Women’s Equality Coalition Celebrates Supreme Court Decision in June Medical Services v. Russo

The Court upheld precedent and affirms that burdensome, medically-unnecessary restrictions on abortion access are unconstitutional. Washington, D.C.—Today, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana law requiringabortion providers to have hospital admitting privileges, reaffirming their 2016 decision in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt. By sticking to the precedent set in 2016, the Court affirmed that […]


Virginians One Step Closer to Ensuring Abortion Access for All With Reproductive Health Equity Act Being Sent To Workgroup For Study

Members of the House Health Welfare and Institutions Committee voted to send HB1445, Delegate Marcia Price’s Reproductive Health Equity Act, to a workgroup for further study. This will allow legislators to bring in experts and stakeholders to study how people in our community will be impacted by the bill. We’re thrilled that legislators have taken the […]