Key reforms to prioritize investing in our communities and democracy will be first up in the 2020 General Assembly. Democratic legislators filed HB1 and SB45, no-excuse absentee voting and HB10, the Student Loan Borrower’s Bill of Rights, signaling both are a top priority for the new Democratic legislature in January. Voters gave control of the […]
News Release
Virginia Beach Republicans Embrace the Trump-Pence Agenda to Attack Sensible Gun Violence Prevention Laws. Voters Don’t.
Virginia Beach Republicans Embrace the Trump-Pence Agenda to Attack Sensible Gun Violence Prevention Laws. Voters Don’t. Virginia Beach, Virginia— Donald Trump’s Vice President, Mike Pence, will be hosting a get out the vote rally with Virginia Beach Republicans on Saturday, and gun violence prevention will take center stage. Virginia Beach Republicans like Chris Stolle, Glen […]
Donald Trump’s Vice President To Campaign With Virginia Beach Republicans With Shared Agenda to Ban Abortion
Virginia Beach, Virginia—Donald Trump’s Vice President, Mike Pence, will campaign this weekend with Republicans in Virginia Beach. We’re sure they’ll have plenty to talk about–like their shared agenda to end access to abortion in Virginia. Here in Virginia, Republicans have been working hard to implement the Trump-Pence anti-abortion agenda. From mandatory ultrasounds and waiting periods […]
Shannon Kane Sends Racist Mailer In Desperate Attempt to Fear Monger Before Election
Virginia Beach, Virginia—Shannon Kane’s desperation is showing. She has sent a blatantly racist mailer to voters in the 21st district in a last-minute attempt to fear monger before election day and scare voters into voting for her. This kind of racism is unacceptable and certainly won’t help Kane win the election. “These kinds of racist […]
Ahead of Turpin and Kiggans Debate, Voters Concerned About Abortion Access, Gun Violence Prevention and Rising Sea Levels
Ahead of Turpin and Kiggans Debate, Voters Concerned About Abortion Access, Gun Violence Prevention and Rising Sea Levels Virginia Beach, Virginia—Between the aftermath of the Virginia Beach shooting and sea level rise surpassing 12 inches, voters in Senate District 7 are ready for real action on the issues that impact them and their families. Democratic […]
ICYMI: Virginians Need Paid Family and Medical Leave
Richmond, Virginia—Republicans once again punted on making a decision on a statewide policy on paid family and medical leave when a bipartisan body adjourned for the year yesterday without making any recommendations. But with elections coming up in just two weeks, voters will have the opportunity to make their voices heard on this issue. And […]
Fact Check: Senator Dunnavant Votes to Limit Access to Abortion and Birth Control While Debra Rodman Would Protect Access to Abortion For All
Richmond, Virginia—Over the weekend, Senator Siobhan Dunnavant released a desperate and misleading ad attacking her opponent, Delegate Debra Rodman for her record on abortion access. Delegate Rodman has been a champion for abortion access and would make sure that everyone, regardless of income, race, or zip code, can access abortion if they need it. Senator […]
Republicans Are Funded By Corporate Special Interests, Democrats Funded By Real People
Virginia—After campaign finance reports came out for candidates across the Commonwealth, one thing is clear: Republicans are funded by Republican political action committees, corporate special interests, and the wealthy few. Democrats are funded by real people who give what they can to candidates they believe in. It is clear that voters in these districts are […]
Virginia Women’s Equality Coalition December Summit
December 7th, 2019 9 am – 4:30 pm Delta Hotel555 E Canal St, Richmond VA 23219 The Women’s Equality Coalition is gearing up for an exciting summit this December! This winter, we’re gearing up for the legislative session and our annual Lobby Day with a Saturday jam-packed with content on racial Equity + reproductive health, […]
Ahead of Ayala and Anderson Debate, Voters Worried about Abortion Access, Gun Violence Prevention and Minimum Wage
Richmond, Virginia—After losing his seat to Delegate Hala Ayala in 2017, Rich Anderson is running to try and drag Virginia’s policies backward. As Delegate Hala Ayala and Rich Anderson prepare to debate for the first time this year, voters are anxious to hear about where each candidate stands on issues that are important to their families. According to […]